
Thursday, February 20, 2025

On This Day in 1956

On this day in 1956, you made your arrival on this earth.  Only God knew the struggles that would come your way...growing up in poverty and under estimated by even your own family.  Being 1 of 10 children to a single mother and not truly knowing who your father was had to be hard for you.  

It still amazes me when I think about the stories you told me about your childhood that I am even here!  

I am so proud to be your daughter and I can feel you with me everyday.  For example, when I am putting together a piece of furniture and something just ain't right....I know that idea that comes to me to fix it or "customize" is from you!  I can almost hear your words coming out of my mouth sometimes...good and bad LOL

Linda and me are traveling and going to all the places y'all talked about...and I know that you would have loved Jelly Roll's music because he is real about the struggle and honest about his faith.

I like to think that you and mama are up in heaven living next door to one another and hanging out on the front porch and when you hear songs like Hard Fought Hallelujah that you both start praising. 

This song is so raw and real and it touches a part of my own soul that brings tears to my eyes. 

Just know Daddy that everything I am doing now is to build a legacy and to be a light in this dark world.   Happy Birthday.

Sunday, January 23, 2022

God Can Turn it Around

They say that with time the pain of losing someone will ease up and eventually life goes on.  Honestly, I think that everyone else might move on, but when it is your father or husband, it never gets easier.  It is the little things that I miss about my Dad and just not being able to talk to him everyday about whatever was on my mind that day. 

Not a day has gone by since Sept. 13th 2020 that I have not thought about my Dad and yes, I do talk to him, just like I talk to Jesus...and when a bright red cardinal perches in the yard I do feel a sense of comfort believing that he is still with me in spirit. 

My faith helps me to see that my on Sept 13 2020 my Dad's spirit was released from his earthly body that had become overtaken by cancer and that one day I will see him again in Heaven and until that day I can feel his spirit everywhere I am.  

Life is so precious and if we have learned anything from the COVID 19 pandemic I hope that this is the main lesson...never take your health or life for granted...always tell those you care about that you love them...and the one thing I remember from my conversation with my aunt who passed away in 2012 with cancer at the end of her life is not to make mountains out of mole hills.  Sometimes, we just gotta let shit go and move on! Life is too short to spend time being angry or upset with people or about things that only God can change.

God can turn any situation & any relationship around. He is still a healer and he is still moving mountains and making a way....and even though my dad did not get healed the way I envisioned I know that God is good and that all things work together for the good. 

Music plays a HUGE role in my faith life and I am glad that I have memories of my Dad and I singing worship songs, listening to KLOVE while in the car and NOW since my Dad passed away the same music has touched my mom and she only listens to KLOVE...there is a level of comfort and when you hear that just feels like God is speaking directly to you through the music. 

Every time I hear Casting Crown's Nobody...I can't help but smile while tears stream down as I sing loud in my car and somewhere in my heart I can hear my Daddy singing with me. Music is powerful and can heal you on so many levels. 

Saturday, February 20, 2021

Happy Birthday Daddy

I never understood why people celebrate the birthdays of loved ones that have passed away until today.  It has been over 5 months since you have been gone and today you would have turned 65.  Every year I get you a card that I know will make you tear up and I try to surprise you with a gift, but normally I can't wait and end up giving it to you way before your birthday. This year there was no card, and my gift was to the local food bank in your honor.  Daddy, I miss you so much and I am trying so hard to stay strong but it ain't easy.  The only thing helping me keep it together is knowing that you are in heaven with your parents, brothers and sisters and Rocky, Sarge and joining you this past week, Roscoe.  It is hard to be sad, knowing that you are face to face with Jesus, no pain and in a healthy body. 

I found the card you sent me on my 26th birthday when I was traveling the country keeping you up at night when I wouldn't call for a few days, and it made me cry and smile. I guess you made me cry with a card this year:) 

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On This Day in 1956

On this day in 1956, you made your arrival on this earth.  Only God knew the struggles that would come your way...growing up in poverty and ...